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Elastizell has provided material for quality roof decks, engineered fill applications, and floor fill installations for over 30 years. Joseph Miorelli & Co., Inc. utilizes Elastizell as a corporate provider for both Lightweight Insulating Concrete systems and Geotechnical Application/Engineered Fill, or the Elastizell EZ product.

The Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWIC) system provided by Elastizell is the company's basic procuct, the Elastizell Insulating Concrete Roof Deck. Elastizell is 100% Portland Cement and contains no water-absorbing expanded fillers. Elastizell requires only one-fourth the mix water of expanded aggregate insulating concretes. A common misconception is that all insulating concretes have a high water content. Elastizell does not - it obtains its workability from discrete air cells, not from excessive water.

Elastizell solves reroofing problems because of its many advantages. It's superiority over insulation board is evidenced by the fact that Elastizell Roof Decks are permanent, economical, and last for the life of the building. Primary advantages include:

Positive slope-to-drain eliminates drainage problems and standing water
The purpose of a roof system is to protect the interior of a building from the outside environment. Proper slope-to-drain eliminates ponding which is the cause of membrane again leading to roof leaks. Tapered insulation is only effective on simple drainage patterns with few penetrations. The Elastizell system is cast with a positive slope to correct and adjust field differences which always occur between drawings and actual rooftop conditions. Few roof decks have regular drainage patterns or built-in slopes for positive drainage. Elastizell achieves positive drainage by combining a stair-stepped, EPS insulation board with custom sloping of the Elastizell. Standard rigid board cannot do this and tapered board systems are costly and inefficient.

Substantially improved thermal insulation values when combined with EPS insulation board for both new construction and reroofing
No roof systems last forever. When a membrane fails over insulation board, the entire system must be torn off and replaced, exposing the building's interior. Rigid insulation board is damaged by water. An Elastizell Composite System is not damaged by water. Encapsulated EPS board is completely protected with an Elastizell Composite System - only the roofing membrane need be replaced.

Typically eliminates future roof insulation tear-offs and the potential for additional damage during reroofing
The Elastizell Composite System encapsulates EPS board within the system. EPS board is bonded to the existing roof membrane in reroofing applications. Elastizell bonds the EPS to the deck and completely fills depressions on deck flutes which are not filled with insulation board systems. Elastizell encapsulates EPS insulation for resistance to uplift, fire and seismic forces. Cast-in-place Elastizell sandwiches the EPS insulation board to the deck creating an integral system. Deck penetrations do not weaken the system and stress-causing joingts directly under the roofing membrane are eliminated.

Ideal base for built-up or single-ply membranes which may be installed two to five days after casting
These may be ballasted, fully adhered, or mechanically attached.

Strong, permanent, nailable roofing base with improved fire resistance
Elastizell Roof Decks have many fire ratings. Elastizell is non-combustible and does not require fireproofing of the underside of the steel deck or the addition of a separate thermal barrier necessary with rigid board systems, which equates to faster construction. The flutes are filled, eliminating fire channel. Elasizell Roof Decks have numberous UL fire ratings.

Economical - it saves both time and money
The Elastizell Composite System is less costly than rigid insulation board. EPS insulation is bonded to the substrate. Once the Elastizell Roof Deck is cast, installation of the membrane is continuous and fast.

Addittional Information on Standard Applications:

The Basic Systems:
Elastizell roof decks are used over precast or structural concrete as well as over galvanized steel decks. Since bottom-side venting provisions are difficult, perimter venting should be considered at the flashing/counter flashing detail when built over precast or structural concrete. Additionally, Elastizell does not require the slotted steel decks demanded by wet aggregate concretes. Elastizell may be cast over either slotted or non-slotted steel decks according to local conditions. Specifiy Elastizell over G-60 or G-90 galvanized steel centering since painted steel deck is unsuitable for the direct application of any concrete.

EPS Insulation Board
When combined with EPS, Elastizell ROof Decks have advantages over other roofing systems, including a solid base for roofing membranes, reduced dead weight, slope-to-drain capability, fire, seismic and wind uplift ratings, and permanent LTTR

Roofing may begin when the roof deck can withstand foot traffic which is from two to three days after the deck is cast. The Elastizell deck should not be left exposed for longer than five to seven days - especially in dry climates. The presence of crazing or cracking is not detrimental to the roofing system.

The Roofing Base Sheet
The roofing base sheet is attached with an approved base sheet fastener to the Elastizell Roof Deck in a pattern recommended by the roofing manufacturer. Fastener pullout values increase with the age of the roof deck. Typical nail withdrawal is 40 pounds.

Perimiter Venting
Perimiter venting at the flash/counter flashing detail should be a part of the roof system although it is not necessary in low-humidity regions. Special bottom-side venting provisions are not normally required unless local practice includes it.

For Single-Ply Roofing
For single-ply roofing consult the manufacturer for specific recommendations. Modified bitumens may be torched or mopped to a nailed base sheet.

Fully Adhered Membranes
Singly Ply membranes are eithe plain or fleece-back and are adhered to the Elastizell Roof Deck by a roofing membrane designated adhesive.

The Elastizell EF, or Engineered Fill, for Geotechnical Applications is the second product utilized by Joseph Miorelli and Co., Inc. Geotechnical applications of Elastizell EF are as broad as the designer's imagination. Elastizell EF has a typical density of 25 pcf. Although it is only 1/4 the weight, it is considerably stronger than compacted soil. Six common applications include the following:

1. Bridge Approach Fills / Fills Between Retaining Walls
Example: Existing retaining walls are often distressed due to greater-than-anticipated lateral loads from saturated backfills and clogged drainage systems. An existing distressed retaining wall may be best repaired by removing all or a portion of the existing backfill material, checking the drainage system, and casting Elastizell EF to the proper elevation.

2. Roadway Fills / Load Balancing / Landslip Repair Fills
Example: Long-term settlement of an asphalt roadway over a peat deposit required regular maintenance. Adding more asphalt to level the roadway was a temporary solution which caused additional settlement of the peat. Removing very thick asphalt roadway section and installing Elastizell EF will upload the peat by about 160 psf. Since the peat deposit was surcharged by the original asphalt roadway and subsequent corrective layers of asphalt, the much lighter roadway subbase of Elastizell EF will reduce this settlement problem.

3. Weight Reducing Fills / Culvert Fills / Lightweight Levee Structures
Example: It is necessary to raise a railroad grade 13 feet under an existing bridge. A heavy, standard fill material will cause lateral movement of the existing bridge piers. Class II Elastizell EF is cast between thin precast walls which avoids stair-stepping the fill laterally and minimizes the volume required. The minimum volume of Elastizell EF will not cause additional bridge pier movement.

4. Foundation Fills / Landscaping and Plaza Fills
Example: Existing plazas have maximum allowable loads which may preclude landscaping with planters, retaining walls, earth fill, or reflecting pools without exceeding the allowable loading. How can a reflecting pool be re-landscaped without overloading its supporting structure? Elastizell EF is cast over the waterproofed plaza after the planters and retaining walls have been installed. This greatly reduces the dead load on the plaza structure yet still permits enough load carrying capacity for the earth fill required for grassy slopes and other vegetation.

5. Void Fills / Pipeline Fills / Mine Fills
Example: What is an economical method for filling tunnel voids, abandoned pipelines, and sliplined pipe annular spaces? Elastizell EF is an excellent fill material for voids created by various methods of pipeline construction. It is pumped into place to fill the entire void.

6. Pressure Reducing Fills / Storage Silo Fills
Example: Storage silots usually require a stable fill material for uniform support behind the sloping hopper plates. If a lightweight fill material is considered in the original silo design, significant cost savings result. Elastizell EF is a lightweight and economical material to cast behind the sloping bin plates of silo storage structures.

General Advantages of Elastizell EZ:
-ELASTIZELL EF is designed for the specific site and soil conditions of each project.
-ELASTIZELL EF is customized with different densities and strengths as required by the specific application.
-ELASTIZELL EF is a load-reducing material over poor soils. Example: For each 1  of existing soil removed, 4  of ELASTIZELL EF may be added without increasing the load.
-ELASTIZELL EF flows easily into all spaces eliminating potential voids.
-ELASTIZELL EF is easily excavated.
-Initial costs are competitive and life (maintenance) costs are low.
-Elastizell Corporation of America offers technical support and recommendations.....

Elastizell EF is Environmentally Friendly:
Elastizell EF is a 100% cementitious material and is as friendly as other concrete structures.

Cost Effective and Time Saving:
Elastizell EF is a proven and permanent solution. Speed of installation, reduced excavation, reduced fill volume, and permanence contribute to its cost effectiveness.

Visit Elastizell's company web site to learn more.