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Lightweight Insulating Concrete
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Lightweight Insulating Concrete:

The lightweight insulating concrete roof insulation system - one of the core solutions offered by Joseph Miorelli & Co., Inc. - is a sustainable, high-performance roof insulation solution that has gained much popularity in the United States. This innovative approach allows for the lightweight insulating concrete roof decks to provide a fire resistant thermal barrier necessary to comply with new building codes. Today, Joseph Miorelli & Co., Inc. continues to provide this high-quality roof deck solution to customers around the Northeast U.S.

This proven solution combines the unique properties of lightweight insulating concrete and premium expanded polystyrene foam insulation board, resulting in in a smooth, monolithic surface ideal for roofing application. Membrane life is prolonged while also sustaining the roof insulation system. Lightweight insulating concrete systems provide solutions to building owners' requirements that are sustainable, economical and reroofable.

Fire resistance, durability, high compressive strength, and excellent resistance to moisture and heat flow are critical for quality roof insulations. The approach also addresses key factors of industry concerns, including slope-to-drain, moisture resistance, high compressive strength, dimensional stability, and the ability to mechanically fasten the roofing membrane to the insulation. For detailed product information and advantages over traditional ridid insulation board, please visit oure site's Corporate Supplier page. The following are key advantages of lightweight insulating concrete offered by Joseph Miorelli & Co., Inc.:

LWIC Deck Diagram

Lightweight Insulating Concrete Advantages:

  • LWIC is a sustainable product and is known to be a "Green" product and is accepted on LEED projects.
  • Customized Slope-to-Drain
  • Low Cost Compared to Rigid Insulation
  • Wind Uplift
    • - Acts as an air barrier
      - FM - ratings from 1-60 to 1-150+
      - UL - Class 90
  • Provides a Heat Sink Eliminating Thermal Shock to Membrane
  • Eliminates Thermal Drift/No fasteners through substrate - EPS insulation does not shrink! Permanent R-Value
  • Fire Rated
    • - Does not require fireproofing on underside of metal deck
      - Concrete in flutes removes fire channel
      - System is non-combustible
  • High Compressive Strength
  • Reroofable
    • - Replace only membrane
      - EPS insulation not compromised by leaks
  • Accepts single-ply, built-up and modified bitumen roof systems
  • Reroofing Applications
    In many instances, using lightweight insulating concrete (LWIC) in reroof applications can save costly tear-off of the existing roofing system. With dry weights as low as 3 lbs/ft2, placing LWIC directly over the existing membrane eliminates the threat of damage to an occupied building's interior.
Problems Inherent with Rigid Insulation Board/Comparison to LWIC:
  • Refoofability
    Expensive approach since insulation must be removed, disposed and replaced. With LWIC, the membrane is simply replaced.

  • Slope-to-Drain over a Level Substrate
    Expensive approach since positive slope and drainage is a difficult and time-consuming process. With LWIC, there is a simple, positive slope-to-drain.

  • Life Cost
    Expensive when considering total cost of materials, labor and ongoing maintenance over time. The LWIC solution is cost effective with minimum maintenance required.

  • Installation Over Metal Deck
    Corrugations are not filled leaving miles of air channels under the insulation. With LWIC, flutes are filled and perimeters are sealed with slurry (air barrier).

  • Insulation Reduction
    Board shrinkage and thermal drift reduce R-Value of system over 30%. WIth LWIC, metal fasteners do not penetrate insulation so no thermal bridge.